Dedicated contact person and knowledge of the goods ensure a reliable solution for Bramidan


It means a lot to us that we don't just land in a call center but have a dedicated contact person who knows our products and logistics needs

Toni Raben, Sales Assistant at Bramidan

Bramidan is one of the world's largest manufacturers of balers and compactors. They are headquartered and based with in-house production in Denmark (Bramming) and sales offices in various locations in Europe and the USA. From the factory in Bramming, 4500 machines and 1700-1800 spare parts are shipped around the world every year.

Complex machines with special freight needs

Freight is not just freight to Bramidan. Having a logistics partner that understands what it takes to transport complex machines around the world is essential for the global company. If the machines are not handled correctly, challenges and transportation damage can easily occur.

"It means a lot to us that we don't just land in a call center but have a dedicated contact person who knows our products and logistics needs. We don't have to explain everything from scratch, but we can quickly get to the point - and beyond." Toni Raben, Sales Assistant at Bramidan

Bramidan produces balers and compactors in many different heights and weight classes. One common feature of these machines is that they are often of non-standard dimensions that do not fit in boxes or on pallets. And there are many specific handling considerations to consider – from different centers of gravity to fenders that can be damaged if the machines are not transported with care.

Close relations with dedicated contacts

When Bramidan was considering a different logistics partner, the choice fell on Blue Water Shipping. We did not know the complexity of the machines in advance. But in return, we promised Bramidan permanent contacts in all markets who would quickly build up knowledge of the complexity of the machines and specific freight needs.

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A promise we have kept ever since. After 15 years, we still have several of the same contacts on the chairs, who over the years have built up a strong product knowledge and close relationships with Bramidan's employees.

In addition to handling sea freight and road transport for Bramidan, our dedicated contacts also take care of the entire handling of the machines - from documentation to customs clearance.

A long-term partnership that keeps growing

Today, after 15 years of collaboration, we are still one of Bramidan's preferred logistics partners. A long-term partnership built on trust and the added value of having permanent contacts who are aware of the challenges before they arise.

"To us, it's important that we have a personal relationship and know the people we write with on a daily basis. This is one of the things we value and also one of the reasons for the long-term partnership." Toni Raben, Sales Assistant at Bramidan

Most recently, our logistics partnership has expanded to include Bramidan's US operations. Here, they were challenged by a previous logistics partner who was bounced around between different contact persons and who therefore had no knowledge of the complexity of the machines.

"Our US office has started using Blue Water Shipping during the last year. One of the main reasons was that we used to have changing contact persons, but with Blue Water we have a permanent person to handle the goods. An important part of the change has been the permanent contact person and quick response, which has made a big difference and created a sense of security in the partnership." Toni Raben, Sales Assistant at Bramidan

About Bramidan

Bramidan is one of Europe's leading suppliers of baler and compactor solutions.

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